Sound isolation and insulation

We are prepared to face any kind of problem related to sound insulation of any environment in any field

False myths about sound insulation are unfortunately many and very misleading. Many materials manufacturers or installers offer cheap solutions with easy assembly that turn out to be useless in most applications; material data sheets often contain confusing and inaccurate parameters that could appear tempting to the untrained reader. For these reasons, in order to create an efficient insulated environment, it is highly recommended to involve acoustics experts from the early steps of the design to final installation. They will be able to follow the work step by step, remaining in constant contact both with customers and with other professional figures.

Perfectly sound-insulating material do not exist. No material is able to completely stop the propagation of sound. We can not even reach a good insulation by putting just a panel over one or more walls of a room.
To insulate a room it is necessary to design and build partitions with high levels of the sound transmission index, using more materials with different properties (mass, dynamic stiffness, sound impedanceā€¦). All these materials should also be assembled according to well-defined rules and criteria and to physics acoustics principles.

Also the installation part is very delicate: if theĀ  assembly of these materials is not done with care by competent professionals, the fine result can be poor. It often happens that doors, partitions or materials with potentially very high acoustic performances are completely ineffective because of an incorrect installation.

It is also necessary to worry about the sound source and its characteristics and intensity. In civil and industrial field there are very different needs than in music environments. For this reason, the first step consists in an accurate analysis of the hall to be treated, via a phonometric ante-operam measurement which is necessary for the processing of different solutions. A second phonometric measurement is usually carried out post-operam, at the end of the work, for the evaluation of the final result.

Studio Sound Service

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